Declutter your Space, Declutter your Mind

Look at that! You’ve just cleaned up your room? Doesn’t that feel good? I’m sure it looks more visually appealing as well. Can’t find something? Struggling to locate a certain item you need? That won’t be a problem now. I can hear the excuses. “I haven’t got time”. “I have work to do”. Seem like valid arguments to me until you realize something. There’s 24 hours in a day. Let’s subtract 8 from that for sleep which is quite generous. You’re left with 16 hours. One of the most important things to understand is time management. You’ve probably heard of the saying, “time waits for no one”, “time is money”. Both are factual statements.

How can we manage time? Seems impossible, doesn’t it? The first step would be to create a daily schedule with goals that are attainable and quantifiable. Taking 30 mins of your day on the weekend to clean and organize will improve your overall mental health in the long run. Here’s how:

Improve your ability to focus – Given how disorganized clutter is, it is understandable why it can be difficult for us to concentrate. When your area is clear of clutter, it is much simpler to focus because everything you see is in its proper location. Your mind is better able to stay on task when you feel organized and this also helps in reducing anxiety as you have no problems finding stuff you need.

Increase your confidence level – When you organize your room, it looks better doesn’t it? There’s a sense of achievement involved. This directly correlates with your confidence and self-image.

Giving back to the community – When you donate something don’t you feel all good inside? Someone else who’s less privileged than yourself can take advantage of and use something you don’t really use or need. That could make a difference to their lives. An example being a table they can’t afford to buy.

Decluttering should begin gradually. Spend a few minutes every day organizing a single area, like a disorganized drawer, or getting rid of or cutting down items in our immediate surroundings. At the end of the day, you’ll feel more content and at ease, and as you proceed, you’ll progressively establish a sense of order. Decluttering will also naturally result in better sleep because it lowers stress. One strategy that can improve sleep is simply keeping your bedroom clutter-free.

Decluttering requires time. Instead of attempting to complete larger, sometimes daunting tasks, start with a small one and work your way up to bigger ones. This will help you start by removing it a little at a time. By beginning small, we can solve problems, reduce stress, and develop resilience and coping mechanisms.

Need help getting started? Moving to a different province in Canada or leaving the country? Not sure what to keep or discard? At Get Organized we’d love to help declutter your house or place of business.  We do so much more than just organize! We look forward to being your organizing partners!

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